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4 курс / Лучевая диагностика / ЛУЧЕВАЯ ДИАГНОСТИКА

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Figure 2.2 Skeletal maturation and normal development: posteroanterior radiographs of the hand and wrist. (A) Male; CA = 13 mo; (D) Female; CA = 4 yr; SA = 4 yr.

(E) Male; CA = 7 yr; SA = 7 yr. (K) Female; CA = 15 yr; SA = 13 yr.

CA, Chronologic age in months (mo) or years (yr); SA, estimated skeletal age in months (mo) or years (yr). Note: These radiographs were randomly selected from teaching files from a variety of sources to demonstrate only general trends in osseous development

X-ray diagnostics of skeletal traumatic lesions

The easiest way of showing a fracture in a bone is using conventional x-rays. Fracture is a broken bone. Fractures can be classified according to the type and complexity of the break, the location of the break, and certain other special features.

Classification of fractures

1. Direct signs:

line (plane) of fracture;

displacement of bone's fragments. 2. Indirect signs:

enlargement of volume of soft tissues (because of an edema and hematoma);

step-shaped deformation of cortical layer;

breakage of cortical layer.

3. Complete, incomplete and comminuted.

At complete fracture the line of fracture intercrosses both cortical layers of a bone; the rift intercrosses one cortical layer and disappears inside a bone. The bone breaks completely into pieces.

Incomplete (partial): the bone does not break completely into two or more

pieces. Comminuted: a fracture that results in more than two fracture fragments. 4.Localization:






5.Direction of a line of fracture:

transverse fracture;

Longitudinal fracture;

oblique fracture;

t-shaped fracture;

v-shaped fracture;

impacted fracture: the bone is broken when one part is forcefully driven into another.

6. Traumatic and pathologic.

7. Intraarticular and extraarticular.

8. Apophyseolisis.

9. With and without displacement of fragments.

Fracture definition: a complete or incomplete break in the continuity of bone or cartilage (figure 2.3). Here are the definitions for the fracture patterns:

Simple transverse fracture — a fracture in which the fracture line is perpendicular to the long axis of the bone and that results in two fracture fragments.

Spiral fracture — a severe form of oblique fracture in which the fracture plane rotates along the long axis of the bone. These fractures occur secondary to rotational force.

Avulsion fracture — a fracture in which the tendon is pulled away from the bone, carrying a bone fragment with it.


Figure 2.3 Diagram (A to E) common the X-ray signs of fractures patterns.

(A) Transverse fracture; (B) oblique fracture; (C) spiral fracture; (D) comminuted fracture (2 or more fragments); (E) impacted fracture (arrows)

Displacement of fragments at a bone fracture

Fractures are also described in terms of alignment. Below are the definitions of the various types of alignment that result from the fracture patterns just described. Displacements are described according to direction of movement of the distal fragment relative to proximal fragment (figure 2.4).

Longitudinal displacement with a divergence of fragments (distraction) — is a separation of fragments.

Longitudinal displacement with convergence of fragments (foreshortening) — fragments override each other.


Longitudinal displacement with impacting fragments — occurs when fragments have been driven together.

Angular displacement (angulation) — occurs when there is an angular deformity created by fragments.

Rotation — occurs when fragments rotate over long axis.

Displacement is a change in the anatomic axis of lateral fragment with respect to proximal fragment.


Figure 2.4 Diagrams of fractures (A to D). (A) Varus vs valgus — varus and valgus deformities are both angulations. In varus deformity, there is apex angulation away from the midline and the distal structure moves medially. In valgus deformity, there is apex angulation toward the midline and the distal structure moves laterally. (B) Rotation of fragments. (C) Distraction — longitudinal separation of fracture fragments.

(D) Displacement of fragments medial vs lateral

Fractures through abnormal bone are called «pathological» fractures. Probably the most common cause of this is an underlying tumor, either benign or malignant.

With chronic repetitive stress, one can break any bone in the body. If the fracture is fairly new, then there may be no plain film evidence of it. Later, once the fracture has been around long enough, periosteal reaction is often seen adjacent to the fracture site. A radionuclide bone scan or MRI can be used to screen for stress fractures. The bone scan will show a stress fracture as an area of increased uptake of tracer, while MRI will show focal or diffuse marrow edema at the fracture site.

The main reason prompting the early diagnosis of stress fracture is so that the patient can be advised to rest the affected part. If the affected part continues to be loaded, then a stress fracture may develop into a completed fracture through the bone.

Fractures in children

The patterns of bony injuries in the child are somewhat different to the adult as the skeleton is more elastic and less brittle. Children have fractures more often than adults because children have slender bones and are more active.

Healthy bones of children mend faster and better than the more brittle bones of older people. (A femur broken at birth is fully united within 3 weeks, but a similar break in a person over 20 may take 5 months to heal completely.)



Figure2.5 (AtoE)Diagramsoftypicalfracturepatternsinchildren.(A)Completefracture.

(B) Greenstick fracture. (C) Buckle fracture. (D) Pipe fracture. (E) Bow fracture

Fractures in children (figure 2.5) are classified as:


Greenstick fracture. A greenstick fracture is an incomplete fracture. The cortex is broken on one side and buckled on the other with a bending deformity concave to the buckled side.

Torus (buckle) fracture. A buckle fracture is a buckling of the cortex produced by compression (impaction) forces.

Pipe fracture. A pipe fracture is a combination of an incomplete transverse fracture of one cortex and a torus fracture of the opposite side.

Bowing injury. A bowing injury results without a line of fracture.

Epiphyseal/metaphyseal fractures.

Avulsion injuries.

A fragment of bone may be avulsed (pulled-off) at the insertion of a ligament or tendon at any age.

Fracture healing

Successful fracture healing is dependent on fragment apposition, fracture fixation, and ample blood supply.

Consolidation. Osteoclasts are introduced by the penetrating capillary buds and assist the osteoblasts to alter the bone callus from woven to lamellar bone. Callus — new bone formed at/around fracture site approximately 3 weeks after the initial trauma. It is visible on a radiograph. X-ray signs of fracture's consolidation:

smoothing of the bone's margins (at recent fracture they are sharp);

tender calcifications in fracture area (in 3 weeks after trauma);

bone callus formation;

disappearance of fracture line.

Remodeling. Over a period of months to years, the bony bridge is remodeled to the pretrauma size and shape, or as near to it as possible. Excessive callus is removed and the medullary canal is recanalized. Children have greater powers of remodeling and may correct deformities and even discrepancies of length after a fracture.

The time it takes for union varies depending on age, health status, and bone injured. Generally a weak bone callus is formed by weeks 3 to 6, becoming


thicker over months. This callus may be faintly seen on radiographs. Healing continues as the bone regains much of its initial strength by 3 to 6 months.

Dislocation and subluxation

Dislocation — complete disalignment of articular surfaces, complete and constant shift of the articular ends of bones (figure 2.6). It is considered to be dislocated a peripheric (distal) bone.


Figure 2.6 (A) Normal anteroposterior view region of the right shoulder.

Noteinthisexampleofanormalshoulderthatthehumeralheadslightlyoverlapstheglenoid, which has been termed the crescent sign. (B) Anterior shoulder dislocation, anterior view. An anteroposterior view of the right shoulder shows the humeral head to lie medial to the glenoid and inferior to the coracoid process (c). This is diagnostic of an anterior dislocation of the shoulder. (C) Anterior shoulder dislocation, axillary view

The main X-ray signs of a dislocation: complete absence of contact of articular surfaces with complete incongruence of articular surfaces, apposition between them is lost. Dislocation may occur in isolation or with a fracture (socalled fracture-dislocation).

The main X-ray signs of a dislocation:

a joint is dislocated (luxated) when its articular surfaces are wholly displaced one from the other, so that apposition between them is lost;

subltixation exists when the articular surfaces are partly displaced but retain some contact with each other;

dislocation may occur in isolation or with a fracture (so-called fracturedislocation).

Subluxation — incomplete conformity (discrepancy between) of articular surfaces. Subluxation exists when the articular surfaces are partly displaced but retain some contact with each other. The main X-ray signs of a subluxation:

incomplete conformity (dislocation) of articular surfaces

clinoid deformation of an X-ray articular fissure

shift of an axis of the dislocated bone.


Order radiological examination at of fractures and dislocation to included rule of 2’s:

2 views — AP and lateral;

2 joints — include the joints above and below fracture.

Additional views should be pursued when there are uncertainties or in areas with complex anatomy.

When describing a fracture, one should describe the location, pattern and alignment. Remember, the alignment is described for the distal fragment relative to the proximal, with the patient in anatomical position.

The plan of the description of a roentgenogram at trauma:

Image's name, age (osteal age).

Area and of projection (view) of examination.

Method of examination.

At presence of fracture specify it on classification.

Are there signs of a consolidation (smoothing of fragment's edges, presence of osteal callus)?

Is there a luxation (subluxation)?

Conclusion (diagnosis) (Example: Oblique complete fracture of a distal thirds of diaphysis of the right humerus with a lateral displacement 2cm of distal bone fragment and 1cm distraction).

Non tumour diseases

The non tumour diseases of bones and joints can be divided into majority of groups among which the main are the next: inflammatory diseases, degenerative diseases and lesions at defects of the mineral metabolism (figure 2.7). Among the inflammatory diseases the most common are osteomyelitis and tuberculosis of bones and joints but other infections and even aseptic inflammation is possible. Degenerative bones and joints diseases are very common in clinical practice and the X-ray examinations allow to reveal it in the majority of cases.

Metabolic bone disease

Metabolic bone disease is best shown using x-rays. The commonest metabolic bone disease is osteoporosis, and this is best shown using a dual energy x- ray absorption scan, which scans the lumbar spine and pelvis on a special machine, and gives a value for bone density, compared with a standard matched for age, sex, and ethnic origin. This is a reproducible test, and can be used serially to monitor treatment for osteoporosis.

A common form of metabolic bone disease in the United Kingdom is Paget's disease. In this disease, there is extensive vascularity of the bone with increased marrow fibrosis and intense cellular activity. This accounts for the overgrowth of the bone and enlargement shown in x ray images.


Osteoporosis — decrease of amount of osteal matter without change of a bone volume. X-ray signs: thinning of cortical layer of bones, dilatation of the medullar canal, increase of a bone transparency for X-rays.


Figure 2.7 (A) POSITIVE radiograph of part hand frontal projection.

Local osteoporosis (white color) of phalanges and metacarpal bones. Rheumatoid arthritis.

(B) Scheme sequestration, at centre of cavity is sequester of linear shape

Osteosclerosis — thickening and increase of amount of osteal trabecules in a constant volume of a bone, thickening of cortical layers, narrowing of the medullar canal. The volume of a bone does not change. The osteosclerosis can be physiological, pathological (posttraumatic, inflammatory, toxic), idiopathic.

Hyperostosis — increased amount of osteal tissue with the increase of the bone's volume.

Osteodestruction — destruction of a bone with displacing by pathological tissue (tumoral tissue, pus, granulations etc.). It is detected at an osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, tumors etc.

Osteonecrosis — necrosis of a fragment of a bone as a result of affection of its nutrition, inflammatory lesion, radiation injury or functional overload.

Sequestration — casting-off of a dead fragment of a bone. The formation of a sequester always is preceded by an osteonecrosis. It is detected at bone's tuberculosis or osteomyelitis.

Periosteal reactions

The periosteum is a membrane several cell layers thick that covers almost all of every bone. About the only parts not covered by this membrane are the parts covered by cartilage. Besides covering the bone and sharing some of its blood supply with the bone, it also produces bone when it is stimulated appropriately. What does it take to make this happen? Practically anything that breaks, tears, stretches, inflames, or even touches the periosteum.

With slow-growing processes, the periosteum has plenty of time to respond to the process. That is, it can produce new bone just as fast as the lesion is growing. Therefore, one would expect to see solid, uninterrupted periosteal new bone along the margin of the affected bone (figure 2.8).

With rapidly growing processes, the periosteum cannot produce new bone as fast as the lesion is growing. This may result in a pattern of one or more con-


centric shells of new bone over the lesion. This pattern is sometimes called lamellated or «onion-skin» periosteal reaction.


Figure 2.8 The schemes various types of periosteal reaction. Types A and B are benign in appearance, and may be described as (A) thick and (B) undulating. Types C through E are more aggressive and more likely malignant and may be described as (C) lamellated or «onion skin», (D) perpendicular or «sunburst»

(Codman's triangle figures, arrows), and (E) amorphous

Although not a perfect indicator, the pattern of periosteal reaction is one visual manifestation of a lesion’s biological behavior.

If the lesion grows rapidly but steadily, the periosteum will not have enough time to lay down even a thin shell of bone, and the pattern may appear quite different. In such cases, the tiny fibers that connect the periosteum to the bone ossify, they produce a pattern sometimes called «sunburst» or «hair-on- end» periosteal reaction.

Another pattern seen in rapidly growing processes is called the Codman's triangle. This is a bit of a misnomer, since there really is not a complete triangle. When a process is growing too fast for the periosteum to respond with even thin shells of new bone, sometimes only the edges of the raised periosteum will ossify. When this little bit of ossification is seen tangentially on a radiograph, it forms a small angle with the surface of the bone, but not a complete triangle.

If we see a solid pattern of periosteal reaction, the usual way that this may manifest is when there is a fracture or infection in the same area as a tumor. In this case, may see a fairly complex pattern of periosteal reaction that demonstrates some elements that look benign and some that look very aggressive.

Causes of solid periosteal reaction:


benign neoplasms;

eosinophilic granuloma;

hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy;

deep venous thrombosis (lower extremity). Causes of aggressive periosteal reaction:


malignant neoplasms:






Approaches to arthropathies

Many classifications of joint diseases are available based on differing criteria (X-ray appearances, a etiology, etc.). It most useful to decide first whether there is involvement of a single joint (monoarthropathy), or multiple joints (polyarthropathy).

Polyarthropathies may be divided into three large categories: inflammatory, degenerative, metabolic.

These arthropathies tend to present with symmetrical arthropathy involving the peripheral small joints, especially the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints. X-ray signs may be subtle and include soft tissue swelling and periarticular osteoporosis. Erosions are less common than with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Soft tissue calcification is common, especially around joints. Inflammatory arthropathies present with painful joints with associated soft tissue swelling.

The presence of crystal deposits (chondrocalcinosis or tophi) indicates one of the crystalline arthropathies. In calcium pyrophosphate dyhidrate deposition (CPPD) disease, the most common site of radiographic calcifications is in cartilage and in the joint capsule or synovial membrane.

Degenerative conditions

Degenerative bone disease is common, and is most usually imaged with conventional x-rays, although degenerative change in soft tissue is best shown using ultrasound.

A common etiology for osteoarthritis of the knee joint is development of a varus or valgus deformity at the knee. In a varus deformity, increased stress applied across the medial femorotibial articulation; in a valgus deformity, the increased stress is applied across the lateral femorotibial articulation. In either deformity, the stress produces subchondral osteosclerosis in the underlying tibial condyle and loss of its articular cartilage. Other common findings are periarticular osteophytes (a consequence of subchondral bone formation and remodeling) and subchondral cysts.

The radiographs were taken with the patient standing upright, so as to show the configuration of the knee when weight-bearing. The pertinent findings exhibited in the radiographs are as follows:

— The AP view shows a varus deformity at the knee. There is a marked loss of articular cartilage in the medial femorotibial articulation, as evidenced by the almost obliterated space between the medial femoral and medial tibial con-


dyles. Such localized narrowing of a joint cartilage space is characteristic of osteoarthritis.

There is subchondral osteosclerosis of the medial tibial condyle, as evidenced by the fact that the subchondral bone of the medial tibial condyle is more radiopaque than that of the lateral tibial condyle.

The AP view shows periarticular osteophytes along the medial margin оf the medial tibial plateau,

The lateral view suggests thai there is also narrowing of the patelofemoral joint space.

The AP and lateral radiographs together show a calcified body behind the medial part of the distal femur; this calcified body is not a fabella.

Deforming arthrosis — slowly developing degenerative non-inflammatory disease of joints, mostly large jonts, mostly in elder people and occur due to intensive physical activity, vibrations, traumas etc. Pathological changes might be localised in a single joint or multiple affections are possible. In the basis of the disease is the degenerative process and destruction of the articular hyaline cartilage and the follow-up affection of articular surfaces of bones (figure 2.9). The main radiologic changes detected are:

Narrowing of the joint space (at the severe affection, up to disappearance of the joint space).

Sclerosis of the opposing articular surfaces.

Roughness of the articular surfaces.

Marginal bone peaks (osteophytes).

Additional findings: cystic bone resorption (so-called pseudocysts), osteoporosis, luxations and subluxations.


Figure 2.9 The frontal (A) and lateral (B) radiographs show evidence of severe osteoarthritis of the right knee, x-ray showing serious degenerative disease. (C) Scheme of deforming arthrosis. Markedly narrowed of the joint space, osteoclerosis (subchondral) ofarticularsurfaces,marginalbonepeaks—periarticularosteophytes(lateralandmedial)