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(This Code enters into force on September 1, 2001 See. paragraph 1 of Chapter I “FINAL AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS”)

(Vidomosti of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), 2001, No 25-26, page 131)

(As amended by Laws     No 2953-III ( 2953-14 ) of 17.01.2002, VVR, 2002, No 17, p.121     No 3075-III ( 3075-14 ) of 07.03.2002, VVR, 2002, No 30, p.206     No   430-IV (  430-15 ) of 16.01.2003, VVR, 2003, No 14, p.95        - enters into force 11.06.2003      No   485-IV (  485-15 ) of 06.02.2003, VVR, 2003, No 14, p.104        - enters into force 11.06.2003 року      No   662-IV (  662-15 ) of 03.04.2003, VVR, 2003, No 27, p.209        - enters into force 01.08.2003 року      No   668-IV (  668-15 ) of 03.04.2003, VVR, 2003, No 26, p.198     No   669-IV (  669-15 ) of 03.04.2003, VVR, 2003, No 26, p.199     No   744-IV (  744-15 ) of 15.05.2003, VVR, 2003, No 29, p.234     No   850-IV (  850-15 ) of 22.05.2003, VVR, 2003, No 35, p.271     No   908-IV (  908-15 ) of 05.06.2003, VVR, 2003, No 38, p.320     No  1098-IV ( 1098-15 ) of 10.07.2003, VVR, 2004, No 7, p.46     No  1130-IV ( 1130-15 ) of 11.07.2003, VVR, 2004, No 8, p.66     No  1626-IV ( 1626-15 ) of 18.03.2004, VVR, 2004, No 26, p.361     No  1723-IV ( 1723-15 ) of 18.05.2004, VVR, 2004, No 36, p.430 )

(For provisions recognized as unconstitutional See. the Constitutional Court’s Decision No 15-рп/2004 ( v015p710-04 ) of 02.11.2004 )

 (As amended by Laws      No  2252-IV ( 2252-15 ) of 16.12.2004, VVR, 2005, No  5, p.119     No  2276-IV ( 2276-15 ) of 21.12.2004, VVR, 2005, No  6, p.134     No  2289-IV ( 2289-15 ) of 23.12.2004, VVR, 2005, No  6, p.139     No  2308-IV ( 2308-15 ) of 11.01.2005, VVR, 2005, No  6, p.145     No  2322-IV ( 2322-15 ) of 12.01.2005, VVR, 2005, No 10, p.187     No  2456-IV ( 2456-15 ) of 03.03.2005, VVR, 2005, No 16, p.260     No  2598-IV ( 2598-15 ) of 31.05.2005, VVR, 2005, No 27, p.359     No  2734-IV ( 2734-15 ) of 06.07.2005, VVR, 2005, No 33, p.432     No  2903-IV ( 2903-15 ) of 22.09.2005, VVR, 2006, No  1, p.4     No  2984-IV ( 2984-15 ) of 18.10.2005, VVR, 2006, No 2-3, p.37     No  3108-IV ( 3108-15 ) of 17.11.2005, VVR, 2006, No  1, p.18     No  3169-IV ( 3169-15 ) of 01.12.2005, VVR, 2006, No 12, p.105     No  3316-IV ( 3316-15 ) of 12.01.2006, VVR, 2006, No 17, p.147     No  3423-IV ( 3423-15 ) of 09.02.2006, VVR, 2006, No 26, p.211     No  3480-IV ( 3480-15 ) of 23.02.2006, VVR, 2006, No 31, p.268     No  3504-IV ( 3504-15 ) of 23.02.2006, VVR, 2006, No 33, p.280     No   170-V  (  170-16 ) of 21.09.2006, VVR, 2006, No 45, p.443     No   527-V  (  527-16 ) of 22.12.2006, VVR, 2007, No 11, p.96     No   534-V  (  534-16 ) of 22.12.2006, VVR, 2007, No 10, p.91     No   578-V  (  578-16 ) of 11.01.2007, VVR, 2007, No 13, p.131     No   698-V  (  698-16 ) of 22.02.2007, VVR, 2007, No 20, p.282     No   875-V  (  875-16 ) of 05.04.2007, VVR, 2007, No 29, p.388     No   966-V  (  966-16 ) of 19.04.2007, VVR, 2007, No 32, p.412     No  1071-V  ( 1071-16 ) of 24.05.2007, VVR, 2007, No 34, p.447     No  1111-V  ( 1111-16 ) of 31.05.2007, VVR, 2007, No 44, p.512     No   270-VI (  270-17 ) of 15.04.2008, VVR, 2008, No 24, p.236     No   586-VI (  586-17 ) of 24.09.2008, VVR, 2009, No 10-11, p.137     No   600-VI (  600-17 ) of 25.09.2008, VVR, 2009, No 13, p.154     No   616-VI (  616-17 ) of 01.10.2008, VVR, 2009, No 14, p.167     No   801-VI (  801-17 ) of 25.12.2008, VVR, 2009, No 23, p.278     No   890-VI (  890-17 ) of 15.01.2009, VVR, 2009, No 25, p.311 -                    the Law has been recognized unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court’s Decision No 20-рп/2009 ( v020p710-09 ) of 10.09.2009     No   894-VI (  894-17 ) of 15.01.2009, VVR, 2009, No 26, p.317     No  1027-VI ( 1027-17 ) of 19.02.2009, VVR, 2009, No 28, p.368     No  1125-VI ( 1125-17 ) of 17.03.2009, VVR, 2009, No 30, p.423     No  1165-VI ( 1165-17 ) of 19.03.2009, VVR, 2009, No 31, p.458     No  1166-VI ( 1166-17 ) of 19.03.2009, VVR, 2009, No 31, p.459     No  1180-VI ( 1180-17 ) of 19.03.2009, VVR, 2009, No 32-33, p.485     No  1254-VI ( 1254-17 ) of 14.04.2009, VVR, 2009, No 36-37, p.511     No  1414-VI ( 1414-17 ) of 02.06.2009, VVR, 2009, No 41, p.600     No  1441-VI ( 1441-17 ) of 04.06.2009, VVR, 2009, No 42, p.632     No  1449-VI ( 1449-17 ) of 04.06.2009, VVR, 2009, No 43, p.640     No  1452-VI ( 1452-17 ) of 04.06.2009, VVR, 2009, No 44, p.653     No  1475-VI ( 1475-17 ) of 05.06.2009, VVR, 2009, No 45, p.683     No  1520-VI ( 1520-17 ) of 11.06.2009, VVR, 2009, No 49, p.732     No  1616-VI ( 1616-17 ) of 21.08.2009, VVR, 2009, No 50, p.754     No  1675-VI ( 1675-17 ) of 22.10.2009, VVR, 2010, No 4, p.28     No  1707-VI ( 1707-17 ) of 05.11.2009, VVR, 2010, No  5, p.43     No  1708-VI ( 1708-17 ) of 05.11.2009, VVR, 2010, No  5, p.44     No  1819-VI ( 1819-17 ) of 20.01.2010, VVR, 2010, No 10, p.105     No  1827-VI ( 1827-17 ) of 21.01.2010, VVR, 2010, No 10, p.108     No  2258-VI ( 2258-17 ) of 18.05.2010, VVR, 2010, No 29, p.392     No  2295-VI ( 2295-17 ) of 01.06.2010, VVR, 2010, No 30, p.399     No  2338-VI ( 2338-17 ) of 15.06.2010, VVR, 2010, No 32, p.450     No  2453-VI ( 2453-17 ) of 07.07.2010, VVR, 2010, No 41-42, No 43,                                                      No 44-45, p.529      No  2518-VI ( 2518-17 ) of 09.09.2010     No  2556-VI ( 2556-17 ) of 23.09.2010 )

General part Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Objectives of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

1. The objective of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is to provide legal protection of the rights and liberties of the human being and citizen, property, public order and public safety, the environment, and the constitutional order of Ukraine against criminal encroachments, to secure peace and safety of mankind, and also to prevent crime.

2. To this aim, the Criminal Code defines which socially dangerous acts or omissions count as offenses, and which punishments are to be imposed upon persons who commit them.

Article 2. Grounds for criminal liability

1. Commission by a person of a socially dangerous act that has such elements of crime as created by this Code gives grounds for criminal liability.

2. A person is deemed innocent of a crime and may not be criminally punished until his/her guilt is legally proven and found by a lawful sentence.

3. No person may be prosecuted more than once for one and the same offense.

Chapter II. Law on criminal liability

Article 3. Ukrainian legislation on criminal liability

1. The Criminal Code of Ukraine, based on the Constitution of Ukraine (254к/96-ВР) and generally recognized principles and rules of international law, shall be the Ukrainian legislation on criminal liability.

2. The Ukrainian laws on criminal liability, adopted after the entry of this Code into force, shall be incorporated in this Code following its entry into force.

3. The criminality of any act as well as its punishability and other criminal consequences shall be determined exclusively by this Code.

4. Application of the law on criminal liability by analogy shall be prohibited.

5. The laws of Ukraine on criminal liability shall be consistent with provisions of existing international treaties, consent for the binding effect of which has been granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Article 4. Operation of the law on criminal liability in time

1. The law on criminal liability shall enter into force ten days after its official promulgation, unless otherwise is provided in the law itself, but not prior to the day of its publication.

2. The criminality and punishability of an act shall be determined by such law on criminal liability as was in effect at the time of commission of the act.

3. The time of commission of a criminal offense shall be the time in which a person committed an act or omission stipulated by the law on criminal liability. (Article 4 as amended by Law No 270-VI (270-17) of 15.04.2008)

Article 5. Retroactive effect of the law on criminal liability in time

1. The law on criminal liability, which repeals the criminality of an act or lenifies criminal liability, shall be retroactive in time, that is it shall apply to persons who had committed relevant acts before that law entered into force, including the persons serving their sentence or those who have completed their sentence but have a conviction.

2. The law on criminal liability that criminalizes an act or increases criminal liability shall not be retroactive in time.

3. The law on criminal liability, which partially lenifies and partially increases criminal liability, shall be retroactive in time only in the part which lenifies the liability.

4. In the event that the law on criminal liability has been amended several times since a person committed an act by stipulated by this Code, the law that abolishes criminality of an act or lenifies criminal liability shall be deemed as retroactive. (Article 5 in version of Law No 270-VI (270-17) of 15.04.2008)

Article 6. The operation of the law on criminal liability in regard to offences committed on the territory of Ukraine

1. Any person who has committed an offense on the territory of Ukraine shall be criminally liable under this Code.

2. An offense shall be deemed to have been committed on the territory of Ukraine if it has been initiated, continued, completed or discontinued on the territory of Ukraine.

3. An offense shall be deemed to have been committed on the territory of Ukraine if the principal to such offense, or at least one of the accomplices, has acted on the territory of Ukraine.

4. Where a diplomatic agent of a foreign state or another citizen who, under the laws of Ukraine or international treaties the consent to the binding effect of which has been granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, is not criminally cognizable by a Ukrainian court commits an offense on the territory of Ukraine, the issue of his criminal liability shall be settled diplomatically.

Article 7. The operation of the law on criminal liability in regard to offenses committed by citizens of Ukraine or stateless persons outside Ukraine

1. Citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine, who have committed offenses outside Ukraine, shall be criminally liable under this Code, unless otherwise provided by the international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to the binding effect of which has been granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

2. Where the persons referred to in the first paragraph of this Article underwent criminal punishment for the committed criminal offenses outside Ukraine, they shall not be criminally liable for these criminal offenses in Ukraine.

Article 8. The operation of the law on criminal liability in regard to offenses committed by foreign nationals or stateless persons outside Ukraine

Foreign nationals or stateless persons not residing permanently in Ukraine, who have committed criminal offenses outside Ukraine, shall be criminally liable in Ukraine under this Code in such cases as provided for by the international treaties, or if they have committed any of the special grave offenses against rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens or Ukraine as prescribed by this Code. (Article 8 as amended by Law No 3316-IV (3316-15) of 12.01.2006)

Article 9. Legal consequences of conviction outside Ukraine

1. A judgment passed by a foreign court may be taken into account where a citizen of Ukraine, a foreign national, or a stateless person have been convicted of a criminal offense committed outside Ukraine and have committed another criminal offense on the territory of Ukraine.

2. Pursuant to the first paragraph of this Article, the repetition of criminal offenses, or a sentence not served, or any other legal consequences of a judgment passed by a foreign court shall be taken into account in the classification of any new criminal offense, determination of punishment, in the discharge from criminal liability or punishment.

Article 10. Extradition of a person accused of a criminal offense and a person convicted of a criminal offense

1. Citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine, who have committed criminal offenses outside Ukraine, shall not be extradited to a foreign state for criminal prosecution and committal for trial.

2. Foreign nationals, who have committed criminal offenses on the territory of Ukraine and were convicted of these offenses under this Code, may be transferred to serve their sentences for the committed offenses in the state, whose nationals they are, where such transfer is provided for by the international treaties of Ukraine.

3. Foreign nationals or stateless persons not residing permanently in Ukraine, who have committed crimes outside Ukraine and stay on the territory of Ukraine, may be extradited to a foreign state for criminal prosecution and committal for trial, or transferred to serve their sentence, where such extradition or transfer is provided for by the international treaties of Ukraine.

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